Friday, September 19, 2008

Dilbert Surveys Economists

Who do economists think will manage the economy best? McCain or Obama? Click here for Scott Adams' blog entry.

Hint: Mark Fiore's latest animation.

And what of The Economist? They wonder aloud if the sort of thing Mark Fiore quotes is going to cost McCain the election.

Also, since Scott Adams offers it, here is his Dilbert comic:

Okay, scientists, your turn.

(The scientists respond 9/25/08.)

Before I go, may I solve the United States' financial crisis?

If AIG, Bear Stearns, General Motors and Ford were small, their failure would not greatly affect the larger economy. Bigness is the problem.

Why not tax, at a high rate, all corporate profits over one billion dollars in order to encourage corporate spin-offs and to minimize the lobbying power of individual companies?

Historically, small corporations outperform big ones. They also are not always going to Washington for special favors.



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