Saturday, August 25, 2007

I Want to Hear Politicians Say This

Who does a politician work for? One answer is his or her funders. The campaign donations from the top GOP donor, Ken Lay of Enron, to George W. Bush "bought a certain level of access" according to Martin Anderson, Hoover Institute, in 2001. But, from someone who lived in California during engineered blackouts, it turns out those donations bought policy. The energy industry may even have something to do with war, as Ray McGovern quotes Alan Greenspan.

I know there will be at least one party on the ballot that does not accept corporate donations. To get my vote, I want to hear a politician say what John Edwards is quoted here.

Update, 9/14/07: I also like John Edward's position on the Iraq War, here and Colin Powell's position, here, except where he lies about not knowing he was lying to the UN (see the Downing Street Memo).
Update, 10/7/07: Chris Dodd, unlike others, commits to getting out of Iraq by 2013.

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