Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bob Dylan Jokes

Bob Dylan tells jokes on "Theme Time Radio Hour," the excellent XM radio program that he deejays. Here are some examples of his humor:

They put a restaurant on the moon. The food's pretty good, but there is no atmosphere.

"Waiter, There's a fly in my soup."
"That's entirely possible. The chef used to be a tailor."

Here are some jokes that I have especially prepared for Bob Dylan:

My friend, John, is getting an old Ford Escort. Ever since Jerry died, Betty has been available.

My wedding date was in October. The wedding went off without a hitch. I'm trying to get my money back.

I'm making a cowboy movie. I started filming without a hitch. Nobody knew where to park their horse.

You're listening to Same Time Radio Hour. I call it that, because the show generally runs sixty minutes.

I'd like to sound more like Bob Dylan, and have a gravelly voice. So, I've been drinking my Diet Cokes on the rocks.

(My favorite is the wedding joke. I just threw in the cowboy joke in case you didn't get that the purpose of a wedding is to get hitched. Ha ha ha.)


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