Friday, June 13, 2008

Obama's World View

Posted today by FiscalConservative on a comments page to an Economist Democracy in America post:

Obama’s world view is very, very different from Bush’s and McCain’s, and Hillary’s. You may not be able to hear it when he speaks, or grasp it when you read his books - but it’s there. And there are a LOT of people who get it, and want someone with that world view to run our country.

Here are a few elements of his world view:
1. He does not demonize his adversaries. This should not have to be mentioned - but since Nixon our politics has been all about divide, distract, and demonize. Rove is just the best at it. And Hillary's thinking is stuck in that mode.
2. He assumes that your perspective has some merit, and will work with you to uncover that merit, and if possible to include that merit in a solution that we develop together. A poor black kid with one parent who has come as far as he has - has to believe in merit - it’s how he makes sense of the world. He didn't have a spouse, or daddy (GHWBush) as an ex-president.
3. Obama does not assume that “the government is the enemy”. He assumes that civilized people form a government to pursue those common interests that we cannot pursue individually. Like taking care of the victims of Katrina - it’s the decent thing to do.
4. He doesn't hate large blocks of the electorate, and so he doesn't alienate them by calling them a vast right-wing conspiracy, or welfare queens, for example. And for this reason alone he's the most truly qualified president in decades.

If mainstream American media was as eloquent as those who comment to the Economist, ...

My own posts, such as these below, do not compare favorably, though maybe they add within the context of the discussion:

Powell as VP for Barack Obama might be an inspired choice.

I suppose partisan-affective disorder is why Pres. Bush and Sen. Clinton repeat things that are not true. Their support bases care little about facts and have no real opinion beyond support for the "home team." The Green Party and Libertarian Party, however, seem to have their facts pretty clear, even if they lack much support. If David Brooks is correct, and Obama is going after the nerd vote, then, that might explain his relative lack of fabrication by modern American standards.